In line with good Corporate Governance Practices and with the introduction of the Board and Management of
Evergreen Fibreboard Berhad and its group of companies (“the Group”) encourage its employees and associates to
report suspected and / or known misconduct, wrongdoings, corruption and instances of fraud, waste, and /or abuse
of power involving the fellow employees, suppliers, customers or directors of the Group.
To blow the whistle on someone in an organization is to alert a third party or the organization itself that a person has
done, or is doing, something wrong. So, literally, “whistle-blowing” means that one makes a noise to alert others
about such misconduct.
Therefore, Whistle Blowing is a specific means by which any Employees or Stakeholders can report or disclose
through established channels, concerns about unethical behavior, malpractices, illegal acts or failure to comply
with regulatory requirements that is taking place / has taken place / may take place in the future; of which they
become aware and to provide protection for the individual, who report allegations of such malpractice or misconduct.
The objective of this policy is to provide and facilitate a mechanism for individual to report concerns about any suspected
and/or known misconduct, wrongdoings, corruption, fraud, waste and/or abuse of power.
This Policy is designed for its employees to:
A. Improper Conduct
Is a conduct of an employee when proved, constitutes a disciplinary offence or a criminal offence.
B. Fraud
Fraud is an act of and employee for making false representations of material facts whether by words or conduct,
by concealing information, or by making misleading statements in order to obtain some benefit or payment that
would otherwise not exist. Fraud includes (but not limited to) any questionable accounting practices or irregularities in
the Company’s reported financial statements and non-compliance with the Company’s internal financial controls.
(These acts may be committed either for the employee’s own benefit, or for the benefit of some other party.
These acts must have been committed knowingly, willfully and intentionally.
C. Waste
Waste is spending money or using resources on goods or services in excess of actual need. Waste does not
necessarily produce a benefit for the employee, but is an act of poor management of resources or funds.
D. Abuse of Power
Abuse of Power consists of practices that cause unnecessary stress, disgrace, embarrassment, humiliation,
dishonor, discredit to another employee or extra costs to the Group.
1. Any Employee / Customer / Supplier/ who knows of, or suspects, a violation of the Code, are encouraged to whistle
blow by reporting the concerns through this Whistle Blowing Policy.
2. No individual will be discriminated against or suffer any act of retaliation for reporting in good faith on violations
or suspected violations. The Group encourages any employee who suspects wrongdoing at work, whether by his
Superiors or another employee, to raise his concern through the whistle blowing procedure.
3. Concerns raised will be investigated properly and the identity of the person raising the concern will be kept
confidential. Concerns are encouraged to be raised in confidence but may also be raised anonymously.
Examples of suspected wrongdoing that can be raised include:
concealing information, or by making misleading statements. Fraud includes (but not limited to) any questionable
accounting practices or irregularities in the Company’s reported financial statements and non-compliance with the
Company’s internal financial controls.
- Religious or racial or sexual harassment/ discrimination;
- Serious non-professional or non-ethical behavior; and
- Caused danger to the health and safety of any individual.
4. This procedure can and may be used by contractors, agency staff, temps and trainees, as
well as by all employees and former employees throughout the Group. It is not intended for use where an
employee is unhappy with his or her personal employment position, for example lack of promotion or a
smaller than expected salary increase.
5. An individual who is concerned about actual or suspected wrongdoing and who wishes to report the matter
formally for investigation shall raise it with his immediate Superior. The Superior shall immediately refer the
matter to the Legal Advisor of the Group for investigation but must otherwise keep all details confidential.
The procedure to be used if the suspected wrongdoing involves the employee’s line manager, he /she is to
raise the concern either through the HR Manager of the Group or directly to the Legal Advisor of the Group
and / or if deem necessary, take the following steps for complaint to reach the Audit Committee.
6. An employee or any individual, who has any suspicion that there is an impending fraud or that fraud
has taken place, he / she can take the following reporting steps:-
Report (Verbally or Written) directly to the Executive Directors or
call these numbers directly if he prefers to be anonymous.
H/P : 6012-7108807 (Kuo Jen Chiu)
H/P : 6012-7178918 (Mary Lim)
if he/she has done the above but failed to get any response and has evidence
that Executive Directors is involved in the fraud, he /she can call directly to the
Senior Independent Director (Mr Yong Kok Fong) on his mobile at 60-19-7797777 or write to his
email at kokfong@hotmail.com.
if still fail to get any response, he/she shall directly the report to the Company
Secretary directly by contacting 60-7-3352536 (Ms Julie Leong) or write to her email at SCH.JB@symphony.com.my
“ A copy of form on “Report of Improper Conduct, Wrongdoings, Corruption, Fraud, Waste & Abuse of Power” is
available on the group’s website : www.evergreengroup.com.my .
*Individual or Employee may wish to send this form via local postal service if they prefer to remain anonymous.
a. The Legal Advisor in the Group Administration Department will maintain a record of the complaints and
will track their receipt, investigation and resolution.
b. The Legal Advisor will seriously consider each disclosure and pursue it to the extent that the
information received allows, and based on the evidence that is available.
c. Once employee/reporting individual’s disclosure is received, the Legal Advisor will begin preliminary
investigations to establish whether the disclosure has merit and can be substantiated.
d. Following the internal auditing standard of professional practice, the Legal Advisor will review the
disclosure and determine if there is enough evidence to confirm that disclosure.
e. With this information, the Legal Advisor will do his/her best to draw an unbiased conclusion from facts given
to him by the employee / reporting individual, or any other information gathered during the course investigation.
f. If the case is serious and warrants a committee for investigation, Legal Advisor shall form a Committee for this
purpose. Each member of this committee shall sign an undertaking that they are obliged to discharge their duties in
good faith, honesty and integrity. At the same time, they will not disclose the confidentiality of information and identity
of the employee or the reporting individual.
g. If the case necessitates further action on the part of the Human Resource (HR) department, a copy of a summary
report will be provided to HR.
h. Upon completion of the case, Legal Advisor shall make known to the Head of Internal Audit for their reporting and
presentation to the Group’s Audit Committee on a quarterly basis. This report will maintain confidentiality to protect the
employee / reporting individual’s identity.
7. Whistleblowers / Informers are assured by the company that their identity will be kept strictly confidential. All
whistle-blowingreports are treated as confidential and or anonymous and not to reveal the blower’s identity, if so wish.
However, such consultation will not take place in the event the disclosure of identity is required by law. The
whistle-blower will be given an assurance that his/her identity will be only known to a few top management on a
need to know basis and the outcome of the investigation will be fed back to the whistle-blower. This is to encourage
and give confidence to the whistle-blower that the complaint is investigated.
8. Reward will be considered on a case to case basis by the company to him/her if the company makes a big savings
due to the complaint (based on a % basis) to encourage whistle blowing.
9. When the investigation has been completed, the individual /employee who raised the concern will be informed of
the outcome in a personal meeting.
10. Anyone raising a concern in the genuine belief that wrongdoing has occurred or may be about to occur will
not be penalized or suffer any form of victimization even if, after full investigation, it is shown that he was mistaken.
Any form of reprisal against anyone who in good faith has raised a concern is forbidden and will itself be regarded
as a serious offence to be dealt with under the relevant group disciplinary procedures.
False allegations raised maliciously will be treated as misconduct and dealt with in accordance with the
Group’s Disciplinary Procedure.
A. Anonymity
It is the policy of the Group to allow the reporting individual / employee to either identify themselves or if they prefer
to remain anonymous when reporting suspected and/or known instances of misconduct, wrongdoings, corruption,
fraud, waste and/or abuse of power.
B. Assurance against Reprisal & Retaliation
Where the employee or reporting individual has chosen to reveal his/her identity, it is the policy of the Group to
provide assurance that he/she will be protected against reprisals or retaliation from his/her immediate superior
or department / division. In addition, the Group provides assurance that no disciplinary action can be taken against
the employee / reporting individual as long as he/she does not provide false information in the report “purposely,
knowingly or recklessly” i.e. the report is basically malicious in nature.
C. Confidentiality
The Group shall treat all reports or disclosures as sensitive and will only reveal information on a “need to know”
basis or if required by law, court or authority. The identity and particulars of the employee / reporting individual
shall also be kept private and confidential unless the employee / reporting individual chose to reveal his/her identity.
When the employee / reporting individual choose to reveal his/her identity when making such a report, written
permission from the employee / reporting individual must be obtained before the information is released.
D. Immunity
All costs in relation to any legal liabilities or proceedings (whether criminal or civil) that may be brought against the
employee / reporting individual shall be borne by the Group and the selection of the lawyer defending the legal action
shall be made by the Group.
E. Protection
The employee / reporting Individual shall also be protected against:
discrimination, discharge, demotion, suspension, disadvantage, termination or adverse treatment in
relation to the RI’s employment, career, profession, trade or business or the taking of disciplinary action; and
Where necessary, any person related or associated with the employee / reporting individual
(e.g., immediate family members) shall be accorded with similar protection mentioned in this paragraph (E).
F. Relocation
The Employee / Reporting Individual may request for a relocation of his/her place of employment at the discretion of the
group. The protection conferred above is:
of the person whom the disclosure of the improper conduct, wrongdoings, corruption, fraud, waste, and/or abuse
has been made;
wrongdoings, corruption and instances of fraud, waste and/or abuse involving the Company’s resources through
the Company under this policy.
The protection stated above shall be revoked by the Group if:
wrongdoings, corruption, fraud, waste, and/or abuse;
believing the information is false or untrue;
This policy has been adopted by the Board of Directors on 01 June 2013.